Meridian Community Primary School & Nursery

  1. Parents
  2. Y6 IoW Trip

Y6 IoW Trip - 2024


It is that wonderful time of year again when our Year 6 team fly the nest and venture across The Solent to Little Canada. On this link you can experience a virtual tour of Little Canada

Our staff will be updating this page throughout the week when they get the chance. Please be aware that the wifi at Little Canada can be a bit temperamental so we cannot always update the page at the same time each day. Keep checking back and enjoy having a little insight into what we hope will be a wonderful experience for our children. 

A reminder that photos must not be shared on social media.

Monday 24th June 2024

We have all arrived safely at Little Canada and have settled into our cabins. For dinner, the children had a choice of chicken meatballs and tomato sauce, fish fingers and chips or vegetable chow mein with a delicious pudding of fun-fetti cake. After dinner, the children enjoyed a game of water balloon splash and had fun trying to protect their water balloon from popping. The children then had some down time where they enjoyed some more sweets and played some games with their friends. They are very excited for tomorrow's activities. 

Tuesday 25th June 2024

The children enjoyed the first night in their cabins and didn't stay up too late. We woke up at 7am and had the choice of a cooked breakfast or cereal and toast for breakfast. During the day, some children had a range of climbing activities including Jacob's Ladder and Vertical Challenge where they showed great perseverance! Some children worked as a team during problem solving and also had the opportunity to get muddy in sensory trail. We have been so impressed with the children's behaviour and attitude throughout the day. 

For dinner, the children had the option of chicken curry or mac and cheese then brownie for dessert, which they were all very excited about! This evening, the children completed an orienteering activity around the PGL site. After this, they had the choice to watch England play or play card games, ping pong and giant jenga. 

Group 1 - Vertical Challenge, Aeroball, Jacob's Ladder, Survivor

Group 2 - Aeroball, Vertical Challenge, Survivor, Sensory trail

Group 3 - Jacob's Ladder, Aero Ball, Problem Solving, Sensory Trail

Group 4 - Jacob's Ladder

Group 4 - Problem Solving

Group 5 - Abseiling

Group 5 - Aero Ball

Group 5 - Problem Solving

Group 2 and 4 - Sensory Trail

Group 3 and 5 - Sensory Trail

Wednesday 26th June 2024

Today the children had another fantastic day packed full of activities ranging from canoeing, abseiling, giant swing, Jacob’s ladder, trapeze and problem solving. They finished the day with a fun game of laser tag and managed to beat the teachers! Throughout the day, the children enjoyed a cooked breakfast, pasta bolognaise, curry and sausage rolls. After lunch, the children enjoyed their first trip to the shop where they bought more sweets, snacks and souvenirs. While on the beach canoeing, a member of the public commented on how well behaved the children were being. They are a credit to our school!

Group 1 - Abseiling and Problem Solving

Group 1 - Trapeze

Group 1 - Sensory Trail

Group 2 - Abseiling

Group 2 - Jacob's Ladder

Group 2 - Problem Solving

Group 2 - Trapeze

Group 3 - Giant Swing

Group 3 - Vertical Challenge

Group 4 - Giant Swing

Group 4 Vertical Challenge

Group 5 - Giant Swing

Group 5 - Jacob's Ladder

Groups 4, 5 and 6 - Canoeing

Thursday 27th June 2024

Today the children had yet another exciting day! Group 1 and 2 began their day at the beach with canoeing, whilst the other groups completed a range of activities such as climbing, archery and vertical challenge. After a tasty lunch of burger and chips, all groups completed activities on site such as giant swing, low level ropes, survivor and trapeze. In the evening, the children enjoyed their final meal of lasagna, garlic bread and potato puffs. The children were very excited to get ready for the disco where we saw some impressive dance moves! Before the children packed their bags and went to bed, they received their very own ‘paper plate’ awards. The children have had the best time and have done us proud! They are very much looking forward to telling you all about it when they arrive home tomorrow!  

Group 1 and 2 - Canoeing

Group 1 - Giant Swing

Group 1 - Low Ropes

Group 2 - Giant Swing

Group 2 - Low Ropes

Group 3 - Archery

Group 3 - Climbing

Group 3 - Survivor

Group 3 - Trapeze

Group 4 - Trapeze and Survivor

Group 4 - Archery

Group 4 - Climbing

Group 5- Vertical Challenge

Group 5 - Low Ropes

Group 5 - Trapeze

Group 5 - Survivor


Friday 28th June

On Friday, the children started the day with a filling breakfast. They then packed up the rest of their things and stored their luggage for the morning, leaving their cabins for the last time! The morning activities ranged from climbing, archery, abseiling and low level ropes. After their final activity, the coach was loaded with their luggage and the children said goodbye to the amazing PGL staff. The children have been a credit to the school. We've had so many comments from members of the public about their behaviour - they really have done us proud. Thank you for a wonderful residential! 


Group 1 - Archery

Group 1 and 5 - Climbing

Group 2 - Climbing and Archery

Group 3 - Abseiling and Low Ropes

Group 4 - Low Ropes and Abseiling

Group 5 - Archery