Curriculum Subjects


High quality texts enhance our English curriculum and inspires our children to read and write, as well as develop their vocabulary. We want to instill a love of reading in all children

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Regular opportunities to practise their number facts and knowledge supports children to become fluent mathematicians who show great reasoning and problem solving skills

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Weekly Science lessons allow our children to carry out experiments, observations and have hands-on experiences to develop their scientific knowledge and skills and think like a scientist

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Our children learn about Britain's past and the history of the wider world through a range of experiences, artefacts and sources, including visiting local places of historical value.

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Through local, national and global studies children learn about physical geography and human geography, including global climate issues and how we need to look after our planet

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Children are taught French from Year 3 upwards.  We want to inspire them to develop an interest in learning languages as well as developing an understanding of cultures around the world

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Art and Design

Children have the opportunity to learn about a range of artists and why they are so important. They develop their own artistic skills through painting, drawing, printing and sculpture

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Design Technology

In our Design Technology lessons, we encourage children to develop an interest in everyday design and technology, encouraging them to ask how and why things are made.

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Our specialist music teacher teaches music every week to every class.  Children enjoy learning how to listen, appraise and perform.  All children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument

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Physical Education

Our specialist P.E. teacher teaches P.E. every week to every class.  Children develop their physical skills and teamwork through different sports, gymnastics, athletics and dance.

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Religious Education

Our R.E. lessons support children in developing an understanding and respect for all religions and cultures.  Children learn about significant religious people, holy books, celebrations and festivals.

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Our children will be taught computing in a way that will allow them to participate effectively and safely in the digital world, not only during their primary education, but also beyond.  

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Children are taught PSHE every week where they get the opportunity to learn about themselves and others in a positive and supportive way.  They are also taught simple mindfulness breathing.

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Outdoor Curriculum

As part of our commitment to supporting the well-being of all children, every class has a weekly outdoor learning session with our specialist teacher based in our dedicated Forest School area.

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SMSC & British Values 

Personal development is both a subject and a school ethos. It is reflected in our school motto of Learning for Life and in our school vision and values. We teach children about the world around them, relationships, emotions, reproduction and health, as well as transferable skills to help with life. We consistently promote the British values and our school values. 

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