At Meridian Community Primary School we believe that school uniform creates an ethos of pride and belonging.
A high standard of uniform is expected at all times.
Please speak with your child's teacher or a member of the leadership team before making any unusual uniform decisions.
Our school colours are royal blue, grey and white.
As a school, we believe the following are benefits from the children all wearing school uniform:
School Uniform – a copy of our uniform policy can be found at
Please remember that the school does not insist families purchase clothing with a Meridian badge. We find that all main supermarkets and clothing stores have unbranded school uniform available and they tend to be more cost effective.
P.E. kit
All children will need the following P.E. kit in school in a named bag.
Royal blue shorts
Plain white t-shirt
Plain plimsolls or trainers
Plain dark tracksuit for outdoor P.E. (grey, navy or black)
Royal blue shorts for indoor P.E
Forest School
Old clothes (trousers/long sleeved tops/shorts/t-shirts – no jeans, crop tops or short shorts please)
Wellies or sensible outdoor shoes (no crocs or open toed sandals as these are not safe)
Waterproof coat
Hats/gloves for cold weather
When does my child have Forest School?
General Information
Jewellery: The only jewellery allowed in school is plain stud earrings and a watch. All children will need to either take out their earrings and watches off for P.E. or have tape put over the earrings. No wrist bands please.
Hair: All long hair needs to be tied back. All hair should be of natural colour. Extreme haircuts, such as mohicans and shaved patterns/images, and dyed hair, are not considered appropriate for school.
Make-up: No make-up or nail varnish is permitted to be worn in school
Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled so we can return it to their owner if it gets lost.
As has been mentioned, school uniform is compulsory so we request you read the information above carefully and ensure your child has the correct items for September. If children arrive in clothing that is not correct in the first instance the class teacher will speak with parents and carers and a reminder letter will be given. If children repeatedly come to school dressed in clothing that is not correct they may be asked to wear spare school uniform and a meeting with parents and carers arranged.
Support available
We have an extensive stock of second-hand uniform which our PTFA have available at a fraction of the cost. Please contact if you would like to ask about getting hold of any uniform.
Like all schools, we follow national government guidelines regarding school uniform. Thank you for supporting us with our uniform policy.
Thank you for your support with ensuring your children are wearing the right school uniform.