Extra-curricular activities at Meridian

At Meridian we are putting together a package of before and after school extra-curricular clubs with the aim of offering both traditional and non-traditional activities. The clubs are either run by our school staff or by external providers. Feedback from our parent surveys has indicated that you would appreciate a wider selection of extra-curricular clubs. This letter contains information about the range of opportunities we are looking to provide over the coming year.


Sports Clubs with Mr Strange 


At Meridian we are very lucky to have our own PE specialist teacher in Mr Strange who is able to offer the following before and after school clubs.


Dodgeball and Multi Sports Club

Mondays (3:15 - 4:15pm) - years 1 to 3 Dodgeball (Fully booked)

Tuesdays (8:00 - 8:35am) - years 1 to 6 Multi Sports (Fully booked and postponed until Term 5)

Thursdays (8:00 - 8:35am) - years 4 to 6 Dodgeball (spaces available and postponed until term 5)


To book a place for your child go to www.schoolinterviews.co.uk


  1.  Enter the event code – bhkwh
  2. Enter your details: your name, email address, child’s name
  3. Choose the relevant club for your child 
  4. Click SAVE




Violin with East Sussex Music Service (spaces available)

We are very lucky to be able to offer violin lessons to our children. These take place on a weekly basis during Tuesday lunchtime so children do not miss out on any learning. 

To book a space please email: heather.sutton@createmusic.org.uk 



SAMA Karate (all year groups)

After school every Wednesday: 3:20 – 4:20pm

This club is run and managed by SAMA Karate who are an outside provider.

 For all enquires regarding karate club please contact them directly www.samagroup.co.uk 


After School Football Club (Years 1 to 6 - spaces available)

Ex-Brighton & Hove Albion professional and FA Qualified Coach Matthew Wiltshire will lead these fun sessions in which each child can enjoy supervised football at their school with their school friends. It is for Boy’s and Girl’s of all abilities, whether you are just starting out or continuing your own football development come and enjoy the experience September's football within your own school in a fun and safe environment.


The sessions run on a Tuesday and Friday after school. 

Email matwiltshire@aol.com to book a place for your child. 


Year 1 & 2 Spanish Club 

 We are delighted to announce that we have Spanish Club for year 1 and 2 children with Miss Marta who works as a Teaching Assistant in year 1. There are two Spanish clubs one for children who attended last years Spanish club Tuesday 3:20-4:00pm (Fully Booked) and a club for new learners Thursday 3:20-4:00pm (Fully Booked)

Children will be learning Spanish greetings, vocabulary and basic phrases through a variety of songs, games and fun activities.

Spanish Club is currently postponed. A notifcation will go out when the club re starts. 

