Parents' Evening February 2022
How do I join the meeting?
Shortly before your appointment time please click on the link for your child’s teacher. You will then be placed in a waiting room. Please wait in here until your child’s teacher is ready to admit you.
Protocols for online parents evening:
- Online meetings should take place in appropriate rooms e.g. kitchen, lounge, study and not in a bedroom.
- All participants should be appropriately dressed as they would for a parents’ meeting at school.
- Please use your child's name so that we can identify it is you and ensure that your camera is on. The class teacher will not be able to proceed with the meeting if we cannot identify you as the parent/carer.
- Please do not attempt to record the meeting. Our staff have not given consent for this.
- Please be punctual as the times are not flexible. Appointments are limited to 10 minutes. If you are late to your appointment you will not be able to roll over the time as other parents and carers will be waiting.
- In the event that the meeting ends unexpectedly please click on the link and wait to be re-admitted.
- We are proud of our very positive and constructive relationships with our parents and it is important that this continues. Our staff will be respectful, professional and courteous at all times. We would ask the same in return.