Meridian Community Primary School & Nursery

  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum
  3. Key Stage 1 & 2

Key Stage 1 & 2

If you would like to see a breakdown of national curriculum objectives for each year group please click here


At Meridian Primary School, we know that speaking and listening, reading and writing are vital skills for life. We believe that children should be encouraged to develop a love of reading, writing and the spoken language so that they can reach their full potential.

Children have the opportunity to develop their writing, reading, phonics, spelling, handwriting and speaking and listening skills across the entire curriculum, as well as in specifically designated daily English sessions through the week.


At Meridian Primary School, we believe that Guided Reading, independent reading and adult-lead reading are all vital in the development of children who have reading strategies for life and who will become life-long readers. We work on elements such as phonics and reading comprehension, and we take this into the writing. Guided Reading takes place every day for half an hour. Phonics is also taught daily across Key Stage 1 and in Key Stage 2 where necessary. In addition, children regularly enjoy listening to stories read to them by their class teacher.


Many strategies are used to support the development of writing, including ‘Talk for Writing’, a proven approach that allows children to explore ideas though a range of activities, including: experiencing quality texts, speaking and listening, drama, role play, adapting texts and then writing their own. It inspires them to be creative as well as use ideas from other authors or writers and develop them in their own work.


At Meridian we use ‘Letters and Sounds’, which is a scheme devised by the DfE to build children’s speaking and listening skills in their own right.  It also prepares children for learning to read by developing their phonic knowledge and skills.


At Meridian we follow the National Curriculum for Mathematics. We have adopted a mastery approach to the Curriculum which ensures children have a deeper understanding and this is achieved through covering fewer topics in greater depth. Pupils master concepts rather than learning procedures by rote.  We aim to support children in making sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them.  We promote enjoyment of solving problems and making links with their learning.  Mathematics offers children a powerful way of communicating.  They learn to explore and explain their ideas using symbols, diagrams as well as spoken and written language.  Studying mathematics stimulates curiosity, fosters creativity and equips children with the skills they need for life beyond school.

A question we often get asked is how do we teach calculation. We use the White Rose Maths calculation policies across key stage 1 and 2. A copy can be found below.

Addition & Subtraction

Multiplication and Division


At Meridian we help and guide our pupils to turn their natural curiosity into questions that can be explored through practical investigations.  We show our pupils how major scientific ideas contribute to technological changes and how this links to everyday life.  We believe all children are natural scientists and we strive to offer a wealth of experiences and ideas relevant to the children’s curiosity and current understanding, inspiring their awe and wonder of their world.  We use Empiribox science resources to engage children's scientific thinking and skills.


 The children at Meridian are taught Computing to prepare them for a world where technology is rapidly changing. Our teaching of Computing allows the children to build a broad and balanced knowledge through experiencing Computing in two phases. First is through the teaching of discrete Computing skills where children have the opportunity to use Computing to communicate information in the form of words and graphics, use the Internet, coding, handling data, store, sort and retrieve information using control devices. Secondly, the children are provided with the opportunities to use Computing in a cross curricular manner. They are encouraged to think about how Computing can support their learning across the curriculum by using and applying the skills they have learnt in the other subject areas. All children are taught an awareness of how to stay safe online.
The children have access to Interactive Whiteboards and computers in each classroom, wireless Internet connection across the entire school, a bank of laptops, iPads, visualisers and digital cameras. Having these mobile devices allows the teaching and learning of Computing to happen in the classroom, at any time a child decides Computing will support their learning.


At Meridian we encourage the children to ask questions, to be curious and enthusiastic in their learning. The children consider history from a personal, local, national and international perspective, learning about significant eras, people, events and places. Historical enquiry is developed through this question led approach and evidence is drawn from a variety of primary source, secondary sources and artefacts. These are used to research and interpret historical information to provide the detailed answers to their questions. The curriculum is underpinned by ensuring that the children meet the key historical skills of knowledge and understanding of people, events and changes in the past, historical interpretation, organising their information effectively to meet the needs of different audiences. The children are encouraged to be critical in their thinking and challenging in their questioning.


Geography is taught across the school through learning journey lessons.  Geography at Meridian provokes and answers questions about the natural and human world. Children learn both inside and outside the classroom, developing their knowledge of places and environments throughout the world and local area. Children are encouraged to understand issues about the environment and sustainable development and how they might be resolved. They encounter different cultures and realise how nations rely on each other. It is our aim to inspire them to think about their own place in the world, their values, rights and responsibilities.


Art at Meridian is taught mainly through the creative curriculum and is highly valued, providing the opportunity for every child to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas about themselves as well as the world around them. It is our aim to provide the children with the passion, confidence and skills they need to do this. The children are encouraged to explore their own creativity through a variety of media such as drawing, painting and sculpture.


We believe that children should learn to produce practical solutions to real problems and in so doing they will not only develop their technical understanding and making skills, but they will also learn about design methods and investigate their environment and the materials around them.  Each Key Stage has the opportunity to work with food, textiles, structures and mechanisms.  At Meridian we aim to foster an interest in everyday design and technology, encouraging the children to ask how and why things are made.


At Meridian, we provide opportunities for performing, composing, listening, reviewing and evaluating music. Music is integrated into the school day through cross curricular teaching, assemblies, direct instrumental teaching and many other opportunities to explore music through clubs and ensemble singing. We have a dedicated Music teacher who teaches music every week to every class in the school.

Physical Education

Pupils have one hour of PE timetabled per week, through which we foster a sense of ‘fair play’, teamwork and a healthy competitive nature.  Children learn a range of sports as well as athletics and dance.  Children are also given the opportunity to swim during KS2 and we aim for all pupils leaving the school to be able to swim at least 25m. We encourage pupils take part in a range of tournaments within school and with other schools. Children also have a minimum of one hour timetabled physical activity through our outdoor learning provision in Forest School.  Our children are also physically active at break time and lunch time through our OPAL work.

 Personal Social and Health Education.

At Meridian we use Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work.  Every child has a PSHE lesson every week linked to the themes of: Being Me in my World; Celebrating Difference; Dreams and Goals; Healthy Me; Relationships; Changing Me.  For more information about the Jigsaw scheme of work please click here

 Religious Education

At Meridian we use Discovery RE scheme of work which supports the East Sussex guidelines for the teaching of Religious Education.  We encourage children to develop an understanding and respect for all religions and cultures.    Children will learn about significant people, holy books, celebrations and festivals across Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism.    

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development (SMSC)

At Meridian we aim to educate the whole child and prepare our children to be good citizens.  Our school values are respect, kindness, honesty, responsibility and strength.  These values run through everything we do, including our conversations with children.  Our curriculum also promotes British values through lessons, assemblies and in our ethos. This includes teaching children about freedom, tolerance, respect for the rule of law, belief in personal and social responsibility and respect for British institutions.


Children of Meridian come together as a whole school twice a week.  On other occasions the children assemble in year groups or Key Stages.  The focus for assemblies is always around our school values, personal development, learning for life and religious festivals or stories.