Meridian Community Primary School & Nursery

  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum
  3. Curriculum Subjects
  4. English
  5. Reading


Reading progression document


 We have an amazing school library, full of fiction and non-fiction books for the children to enjoy. Every class visits the school library weekly and children enjoy reading in the library and choosing a new book to take home.





 Key texts

Our key texts are linked to our learning journey topics. Children enjoy hearing their teacher read the text at the end of the school day and also often explore the text in their reading lessons. Writing opportunities often link to the key texts and children have the opportunity to write in different genres, inspired by the key text. 

 Every year, children learn about a significant person as part of a book study. Children at Meridian enjoy reading stories about the significant person and learning about their life.  

 Here are some examples of the children's learning about significant people: