Meridian Community Primary School & Nursery

  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum
  3. Curriculum Subjects
  4. Maths


At Meridian Community Primary School and Nursery we know that maths is an integral part of children's learning and development.

We aspire for all of our children to develop as confident, enthusiastic and resilient mathematicians.
Using a mastery approach, we support all children in developing a strong understanding of number and a relational undertesting of maths from Nursey to year 6 so that that they have the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the wider world. We understand the importance of children developing a solid grip of basic number fact including number bonds and multiplication tables. 

We provide every child with a Timestables Rockstars and Numbots account to support their developing number sense at home as well as school. Regular maths assemblies help to celebrate the success of all children across the school. 

Our curriculum is designed to build upon children's  mathematical knowledge and skills, with opportunities for children to regularly draw upon prior knowledge. Teachers asses prior learning to identify gaps and adapt teaching to meet the needs of the children.

 Children have regular opportunities to practice and develop their number fluency and understanding of calculations and number facts from the moment they enter the school. Where children struggle or they are at risk of  underachievement in maths, teachers act quickly to intervene and provide additional support where necessary so that each child can achieve their best.

At Meridian we promote a culture of oracy across all subjects  so that children can talk like experts when exploring mathematics.  In maths lessons, children have opportunities to discuss their learning, exploring key concepts, clarifying ideas and justifying their reasoning  using sentence stems and the appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Opportunities for children to enjoy mathematics can be found across our curriculum including in science, geography, forest school and even French!

As a result, children achieve well at maths and are able to talk confidently and enthusiastically about their learning.


 "I really like learning new methods each year as it makes learning everything else much easier." - Year 5.  "My favourite part of maths is the challenge as it makes me learn and I like taking my time to work it out. I love a good challenge!" -Year 2. 


" I enjoy maths because it really helps us. My teachers help me when I'm stuck and I enjoy talking about our maths with our learning partners."- Year 6


 Maths progression document


Year 5 pre-assessment and vocabulary check. 

Year 1 Maths 

Year 6 Maths